Sylvia Belgrande

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Sylvia Belgrande
Monster ID 2110
Locations A Massive Ziggurat
Hit Points 200
Attack 200
Defense 200
Initiative 250
Meat None
Phylum dude
Elements None
Resistance 80
Monster Parts arm, body, head, leg
red money bag
Quest ancient amulet
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Sylvia Belgrande You're fighting Sylvia Belgrande

Suddenly, the spectre explodes in a flash of lightning! You stagger back with your arm in front of your face, and as your vision clears, you see a blonde woman wearing a blue hooded robe, who points a staff at you. "Foul creature," she says, "the darkness you have spread over the hearts of men will be lifted with your death, and my sisters will be avenged!"

"Aw, come on," you groan. "Really, dude?"

"Don't call me dude," she scowls. "That was a translation thing."

"Look, I don't know who you people have me confused with, but I assure you--"

"I'll not be swayed by your words, vile demon!" The end of her staff bursts into flames.

Hit Message(s):

She conjures up a bunch of ice crystals and hurls them at your <solar plexus>. Brrrrrrrrrrr. (cold damage)

She points her staff and you and blasts you with a massive gout of flame. Eek! Ouch! Ooh! Eek! (hot damage)

She calls forth a bolt of lightning, which hits you in the <knee>. Argh! Ugh! Eek! Ooh!

Critical Hit Message:

She points her staff and you and blasts you with a massive gout of flame. (CRITICAL HIT!) Oof! Ooh! Ugh! Ouch!

Miss Message(s):

not known

Fumble Message:

not known

After Combat

Moneybag2.gifYou acquire an item: red money bag
Aamulet.gifYou acquire an item: ancient amulet

Occurs at A Massive Ziggurat during a Dark Gyffte run.


  • This monster cannot miss.
  • Always damages for like, 30% of your max HP?



  • Originally, this monster had the same intro text as the Protector Spectre it was replacing. This was silently fixed around February 20th, 2019.