Surgical tape

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surgical tape
surgical tape

This roll of tape is ostensibly used to treat sports injuries, but more often than not, it gets used to tape some nerd's butt cheeks together.

Type: combat item
Selling Price: 25 Meat.

Weakens enemies a little bit and restores 20-30 Hit Points

(In-game plural: rolls of surgical tape)
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Item number: 6653
Description ID: 112683501
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Obtained From

The Hallowed Halls

When Used

You... sigh. You tape your opponent's butt cheeks together. Hilarious.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 5-8
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 5-8
Afterwards, you have a little bit of tape left over, so you use it for its intended purpose and dress some of your minor wounds.
HPYou gain 20-30 hit points.


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