Surge of Icing
From TheKolWiki
Surge of Icing Type: Combat SpellMP Cost: 10 This spell adds a little bit of holiday flair to your Saucery, allowing you to summon a massive gout of delicious icing.
Source: | A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 4 |
Price: | N/A |
Class: | Sauceror |
Level: | N/A |
Effect: | Deals (14-18)+(0.2*Mys) physical damage, hard capped at 40, deals 50% more damage if you have Sugar Rush and removes 1 turn of it |
When Used: |
You summon a burst of delicious icing, which leaves your opponent frosted for X damage.
With Sugar Rush in effect: Drawing on all the sweetness you can muster, you summon a burst of delicious icing, which leaves your opponent frosted for X*1.5 damage.
- Sugar Rush increases the spell's damage by 50%. The Sugar Rush percentage bonus is calculated before any Bonus Spell Damage multipliers, which means the Sugar Rush bonus damage is multiplied by it.
- A formulaic way to view this is: ((base*crit + absolute_bonus) * (1 + percent_bonus)) * sugar_rush_bonus
- Where sugar_rush_bonus is 1 without Sugar Rush, and 1.5 with Sugar Rush. The absolute_bonus maxes at 15 for this spell.
- See Calculating Spell Damage for a description of the other pieces of the formula.
- When casting this spell with Sugar Rush, you only lose 1 adventure's worth of the effect.
- Except for dealing Physical damage and the Sugar Rush bonus, this spell's cost and damage range are identical to Saucestorm.
- Prior to December 30, 2009, when one scored a critical hit, the amount of damage was not displayed.
- Originally, this was not affected by bonus spell damage modifications until corrected by a trivial update on December 18, 2009.
- Prior to some time around the Sauceror revamp, Surge of Icing had a damage cap based on buffed Mysticality (Same Mysticality multiplier, but capped at 125 Myst).