Superduperheated metal
From TheKolWiki
This is the hottest metal you've ever encountered. (In-game plural: globs of superduperheated metal) |
Obtained From
- The Bubblin' Caldera
- Rarely, after any victorious fight with heat-resistant sheet metal in your inventory (1/day)
When Used
You toss the superduperheated metal at your foe, and pretty soon all that's left of both foe and metal is a little pile of ashes. |
- Against a boss:
This enemy is, sadly, unvaporizable. |
- This was the only free kill that had no daily use limit, prior to the introduction of Daily Affirmation: Think Win-Lose.
- However, you can convert only one heat-resistant sheet metal into superduperheated metal per day.
See Also
"8522" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.