Summon hobo underling

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Summon hobo underling

Summon hobo underling

Type: Combat
MP Cost: 0

Source: Equipping Hodgman's Regal Frippery
Price: N/A
Class: N/A
Level: N/A
Effect: Summons a hobo, which you can ask for a drink, for something to eat, for some violence, to tell you a joke, or to dance for you.
When Used:
A hobo runs up to you, introduces himself as <name>, and looks at you expectantly.


  • This skill can only be used five times a day. In the same combat, you can ask for either food or drink, AND a dance or a joke. You can ask for violence as many times as you want, but asking for a joke or dance disables all underling skills. So you should ask for food or drink before a dance or a joke.
  • Using a dinged-up triangle in combat has the same effect as using this skill.
  • You can only summon an underling once per combat. If you use the triangle, the skill is removed from your list. If you try to use a triangle after using the skill, or after another triangle, the triangle will fail and will not be consumed.
  • The hobo image is chosen randomly from the pool of Normal hobo images.
  • The hobo's name is constructed following the hobo naming rules for normal hobos.
  • If this skill is used while fighting Zombo, and he unequips your outfit afterward, you will still be allowed to ask your underling something. The regular effects of doing so still apply.