Summon Party Favor

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Summon Party Favor

Summon Party Favor

Type: Mystical Bookshelf
MP Cost: varies

Source: Libram of Divine Favors
Price: N/A
Class: N/A
Level: N/A
Effect: Summons a party favor from the divine aether.
When Used:
You read the Libram of Divine Favors and recite the incantation contained therein. You reach out (with your mind) into the divine aether, and a neat party favor phases into existence in front of you with a honk and a puff of confetti.
Divblowout.gifYou acquire an item: divine blowout


Divstring.gifYou acquire an item: divine can of silly string


Chamflute.gifYou acquire an item: divine champagne flute


Divpopper.gifYou acquire an item: divine champagne popper


Divcracker.gifYou acquire an item: divine cracker


Divnoise.gifYou acquire an item: divine noisemaker


  • The divine champagne popper, divine champagne flute, and divine cracker are rare favors.
  • The chance of summoning a rare favor is initially 50%. Every time a rare favor is summoned, the chance of summoning another rare is halved. At rollover, this chance is reset to 50%.
  • After the chance of summoning a rare or common favor has been decided, there is an even chance of getting a particular favor from that category.
Summoned Party Favors
divine noisemaker Muscle-based damage and stats
divine can of silly string Myst-based damage and stats
divine blowout Moxie-based damage and stats
divine champagne flute Add MP gain to booze
divine champagne popper Banish monster for 5 turns
Run Away (no adventure loss)
divine cracker Pickpocket and delevel enemy