Summon Candy Heart

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Summon Candy Heart

Summon Candy Heart

Type: Mystical Bookshelf
MP Cost: varies

You have the ability to cause tiny environmental grains of sugar (yes, they're everywhere...) to coalesce into tasty candy hearts of various colors.

Source: Libram of Candy Heart Summoning
Price: N/A
Class: N/A
Level: N/A
Effect: Allows you to summon a random candy heart.
When Used:
You read the Libram of Candy Heart Summoning and recite the incantation contained therein. You reach out and pluck a candy heart from the empty space in front of you.

You read the Libram of Candy Heart Summoning and recite the incantation contained therein. You reach out and pluck some candy hearts from the empty space in front of you.

Candyheart.gifYou acquire an item: white candy heart
Candyheart.gifYou acquire an item: pink candy heart
Candyheart.gifYou acquire an item: orange candy heart
Candyheart.gifYou acquire an item: lavender candy heart
Candyheart.gifYou acquire an item: yellow candy heart
Candyheart.gifYou acquire an item: green candy heart

Summoned Candy Hearts
white | pink | orange | lavender | yellow | green
Candy Heart Effects
(Heart of [Color])
white All Attributes +3 +1 Stat Per Fight, +1 Familiar Experience Per Fight
pink All Attributes +3 +20% Meat from Monsters
orange All Attributes +3 +5 Hot Damage, +5 Damage to Hot Spells,
+5-6 MP and +5-6 HP per Adventure
lavender All Attributes +3 +10% Items from Monsters
yellow All Attributes +3 +20% Combat Initiative
green All Attributes +3 +3 to Familiar Weight


  • On January 3, 2008, this skill was no longer attainable. The functionality was instead moved to the mystical bookshelf.
  • Prior to January 3, 2008, the MP cost to summon your nth heart is (n*(n+1)/2), or 1+2+3+...+n. The total cost to summon n hearts was ((n)*(n+1)*(n+2))/6. As such, you can only summon one at a time. This price resets upon rollover and ascension. This was changed with the implementation of the mystical bookshelf.
  • This skill is marked as Hardcore Permanent (HP), and so is retained through normal and hardcore ascensions and can be used in both.
  • When sending candy hearts, if you try to use profanity, you receive the message, "No profanity allowed in hearts. Candy is for children, after all!"
  • Each candy heart's +3 bonus to all stats does stack with the other candies' +3 bonus (so when you have all 6 heart effects you will get +18 to all stats; it takes an average of 14.7 casts to get all six hearts).
  • Each candy heart's effect lasts 10 Adventures.
