Sugar cherry

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sugar cherry
sugar cherry

This is a little candied cherry, about which a little candied George Washington would probably find it impossible to lie.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 10 Meat.
Effect: Sweet and Red (10 Adventures)Spell Damage +10
Spell Damage +10%

(In-game plural: sugar cherries)
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Item number: 3590
Description ID: 534779871
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Sometimes dropped after combat by a Sugar Fruit Fairy.

When Used

You eat the candied cherry. It's in perfect condition!
Sugarcherry.gifYou acquire an effect: Sweet and Red
(duration: 10 Adventures)


  • The "Little candied George Washington" text refers to the story of George Washington refusing to lie about chopping down a cherry tree.
  • The usage message most likely refers to common usage of the word "cherry" as an adjective meaning something that is untouched and in perfect condition.


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