Stuffed red and green pepper

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stuffed red and green pepper (stale)
stuffed red and green pepper (stale)

A hybrid savory/sweet chili pepper stuffed with rice, cheese and peppermint candy.

Type: food (decent)
Size: 3
Selling Price: 10 Meat.

(In-game plural: stuffed red and green pepper (stale)s)
View metadata
Item number: 10715
Description ID: 353885496
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Obsolete Areas/Methods
The Crimbo Cafe

When Consumed

You're not sure whether to cover the pepper with hot sauce or hot fudge, so you use both.
AdventuresYou gain 5-7 Adventures. (avg. 6)
You gain 1-3 Beefiness.
You gain 1-3 Mysteriousness.
You gain 1-3 Chutzpah.
(You gain 3 Fullness.)


  • During the events of Crimbo 2020, this item was called "Stuffed red and green pepper". It was an awesome-quality food that gave 14-16 adventures and 10-30 of each substat. The description/consumption text remains unchanged.
  • During Crimbo, it had the following note attached:
NOTE: This item is perishable, and will become less good after Crimbo is over.


"10715" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.