Strong wind

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Strong wind
Monster ID 2130
Locations Storm Island
Hit Points  ?
Attack 100
Defense 100
Initiative 999
Meat None
Phylum weird
Elements None
Resistance 100%, 100% all elements
Monster Parts gale
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
strong wind You're fighting a strong wind

The wind on this island is so intense that it's nearly impossible to move. You'll have to fight your way through it if you want to make any progress.

Hit Message(s):

An especially large tumbleweed blows in from somewhere and whips you right in the <thigh>. Eek! Argh! Eek!

An errant umbrella blows in from elsewhere on the island and spears you right in the <ear>. Ouch! Ugh! Ugh!

A bunch of sand hits you in the <arse>, scouring it down to the bone. Eek! Ouch! Ow!

Critical Hit Message:

A bunch of sand hits you in the <knee>, scouring it down to the bone. Ow! Argh! Argh! (CRITICAL HIT!)

Miss Message(s):

An errant umbrella blows in from elsewhere on the island, but the wind changes and it blows right back without doing any harm.

You duck behind a tree to avoid some of the blowing debris. It gives you an opportunity to observe how weird it is that "tree" and "debris" rhyme.

Fumble Message:

You duck behind a tree to avoid some of the blowing debris. It gives you an opportunity to observe how weird it is that "tree" and "debris" rhyme. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

That fight was relatively exciting...
Confetti.gifYou gain 3 PirateRealm FunPoints

Pr windicle.gifYou acquire an item: windicle (15% chance)*

Occurs at Storm Island.
