String of Crimbo lights

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string of Crimbo lights
string of Crimbo lights

This is a strand of brightly-colored Crimbo lights. They're great, because nothing says "holiday cheer" like wasting electricity.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: strings of Crimbo lights)
View metadata
Item number: 4345
Description ID: 622326963
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
The Crimbo Cartel (100 Crimbux)

When Used

  • First use:
You string the Crimbo lights up inside your dwelling, making it look even more like a dorm room.
  • Subsequent uses:
You've already got Crimbo lights strung up in your dwelling.


  • Adds Crimbo lights to your dwelling.
  • Gives 5-50 turns of Holiday Bliss once per day on resting (with any combination of the Gingerbread House, Crimbo wreath, string of Crimbo lights, and/or plastic Crimbo reindeer installed at your campground: having 1 item installed gives 5 turns, 2 items gives 10 turns, 3 items gives 20 turns, and all 4 items gives 50 turns).
  • Does not get destroyed by changing your dwelling.


"4345" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.