Stinky cheese ball

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stinky cheese ball
stinky cheese ball

This is a massive curd of extremely pungent cheese. If Little Miss Muffet had had one of these, she'd have had neither the room in her bowl nor the appetite for any whey.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: stinky cheese balls)
View metadata
Item number: 4398
Description ID: 272747310
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Mr. Store (1 Mr. Accessory)

When Squished

Sc ball.gif
Holding your nose with one hand, you squish the stinky cheese into a new shape with your other hand.
HPYou lose 5% of your maximum hit points. (stench damage)
Sc sword.gifYou acquire an item: stinky cheese sword


Sc diaper.gifYou acquire an item: stinky cheese diaper


Sc wheel.gifYou acquire an item: stinky cheese wheel


Sc eye.gifYou acquire an item: stinky cheese eye


Sc staff.gifYou acquire an item: Staff of Queso Escusado


Stinky cheese ball squeezables
Cheese item Type Enchantment
Sc sword.gif stinky cheese sword One-handed sword +Z/3 Stench Damage
Sc diaper.gif stinky cheese diaper Pants +Z/10 adventures per day when equipped
Sc wheel.gif stinky cheese wheel Shield Z/2 Damage Absorption
Sc eye.gif stinky cheese eye Accessory +Z/5% meat drops
+Z/5% item drops
Allows use of Give Your Opponent the Stinkeye in battle
Sc staff.gif Staff of Queso Escusado One-handed chefstaff Spell Damage +50%
+20 Damage to Stench Spells
Regenerate 6-8 MP per adventure
Jiggle for Z-10 to Z+10 stench damage
Z is the current stinky counter, capped at 100


  • January 2010's item of the month from Mr. Store.
Its in-store description: Squishes into various pieces of stinky equipment, and gets more pungent the more you use it in a day.
  • Z is the current value of your "stinky cheese counter". At the end of any combat, the counter increases by the number of unique stinky cheese items you have equipped. The counter is capped at 100 and is reset to 0 at rollover (or on ascension).
  • The counter increases at the end of combat even if the combat did not cost an adventure (free runaways, Infernal Seals, BRICKO fights, etc.). Non-combat adventures do not affect the counter.

See Also


"4398" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Preceded by:
suspicious stocking
stinky cheese ball
January 2010
Succeeded by:
Libram of BRICKOs