Star throwing star

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star throwing star
star throwing star

This is a throwing star made out of stars and lines. It's like, fractal, man.

Type: combat item
Selling Price: 100 Meat.

Deals 50-75 Physical Damage

(In-game plural: handfuls of star throwing stars)
View metadata
Item number: 663
Description ID: 515344451
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Starchart.gif 4 stars 2 lines
Equals.gif star throwing star

When Used

You throw the star throwing star at your opponent. It hits for 50-75 damage.



  • A samurai turtle can use these as a weapon, doing more damage than normal.


  • The description for this item refers to self-similarity, a common characteristic of fractals.

See Also


"663" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.