Staff of the November Jack-O-Lantern

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Staff of the November Jack-O-Lantern
Staff of the November Jack-O-Lantern

There is nothing as infinitely sad and foul as a rotting Jack-O-Lantern the week before Thanksgiving. And a master Chef-Mage knows that the melancholy of the infinite sadness and the repulsiveness of the infinite foulness are two great tastes that taste great together!

Type: weapon (1-handed chefstaff)
Damage: 1 - 2
Mysticality Required: 15
Selling Price: 25 Meat.
Cannot be traded

Spell Damage +20%
+10 Damage to Stench Spells
Regenerate 2-3 MP per adventure

(In-game plural: Staves of the November Jack-O-Lantern)
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Item number: 4768
Description ID: 416163768
View in-game: view


Hammer.gif bigger stick pumpkin
Equals.gif Staff of the November Jack-O-Lantern

In Combat

Jiggle your Staff of the November Jack-O-Lantern

You jiggle your staff, stirring up the rotting guts of the drooping pumpkin. Bowled over by the stench and the sadness, it suffers 5-10 damage and pauses to regain its composure.


  • Jiggling staggers your opponent 100% of the time, but can only used once per fight.


See Also


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