Staff of the Cozy Fish

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Does any one know rate of drops for jiggling? Also, what items can drop and how those drops are distributed.

Staff of the Cozy Fish
Staff of the Cozy Fish

It's like the fish stick got an extra layer of breading -- one made of pure, Grandmotherly love.

Type: weapon (2-handed chefstaff)
Damage: 1 - 2
Mysticality Required: 85
Selling Price: 190 Meat.
Cannot be traded

Mysticality +15%
Spell Damage +150%
Makes you a much better diver

(In-game plural: Staves of the Cozy Fish)
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Item number: 6333
Description ID: 346806912
View in-game: view

Obtained From

fish stick cozy (with a fish stick in your inventory)

In Combat

Jiggle your Staff of the Cozy Fish


You jiggle the staff. The sea water in the vicinity bursts into tumultuous motion, turning your opponent upside down and totally disorienting it.

Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 45-50
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 45-50

Occasionally while Underwater

You jiggle the staff. The sea water in the vicinity bursts into tumultuous motion, turning your opponent upside down and totally disorienting it.

Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 45-50
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 45-50

Hey, it knocked an item loose!

SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:{{{item}}}]]


You jiggle the staff. A spiraling gout of salt water gushes out the end of it, knocking your opponent over.

Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 20-25
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 20-25


  • After approximately 30 adventures, the cozy will fall off and this will become a fish stick again:
"Aww, rats. You wore out your weapon cozy..."
  • This item removes up to 30% of the Underwater Pressure Penalty.
  • Jiggling will stagger your opponent, in addition to de-leveling.
  • Jiggling this staff while facing a Mer-kin opponent will occasionally cause the enemy to drop a Mer-kin item. Some possible items that can be dropped from jiggling are:

The drop rate appears to be the same for every item dropped by jiggling the staff, like the pulled red taffy.

See Also


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