Sprinkle shaker

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sprinkle shaker
sprinkle shaker

A sprinkle shaker is either a thing like a spice jar except for dessert sprinkles, or the name of a glittery cartoon Amish gnome.

Type: off-hand item
Cannot be traded or discarded
Quest Item

(In-game plural: sprinkle shakers)
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Item number: 7426
Description ID: 689031956
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Do You Even Brogurt


You spend a few minutes picking <color> and <color> sprinkles off the corpse of the fallen sundae and putting them in the sprinkle shaker. You carefully lick each one clean before poking it through the holes in the lid.


You pick <color> and <color> candy sprinkles off of the defeated sundae for a while, storing them in Broden's sprinkle shaker. Beats working for a living.


You spend a few minutes picking <color> and <color> sprinkles off the corpse of the fallen sundae and putting them in the sprinkle shaker. Should you rinse them off first? Or at least wipe them off? ...Nah.


You pick <color> and <color> candy sprinkles off of the defeated sundae for a while, storing them in Broden's sprinkle shaker. Aren't these things basically just little bits of wax? Maybe you could find a candle and a cheese grater and get this done faster.


You carefully pick the <color> and <color> candy sprinkles off of the sundae's corpse and deposit them in the shaker. Hopefully Broden won't mind that they've got hot fudge all over them.