Spooky nuggets

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spooky nuggets
spooky nuggets

Yessir, these nuggets sure are spooky. In fact, they're the pure essence of spookiness, in bite-size form. Not that you'd want to bite them. Just thinking about it gives you the willies. Brr!

(Meatsmithing component)
(Cooking ingredient)
Type: potion
Selling Price: 60 Meat.
Effect: Spooky Weapon (5 Adventures)+3 Spooky Damage

(In-game plural: clusters of spooky nuggets)
View metadata
Item number: 1447
Description ID: 341612749
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Moderately powerful equipment with Spooky Damage or with cold or sleaze resistance
Adorable Seal Larva in a Crown of Thrones/Buddy Bjorn
Spooky Gravy Fairy in a Crown of Thrones/Buddy Bjorn


Malus sm.gif 5 piles of spooky powder
Equals.gif spooky nuggets

When Used

You rub the spooky nuggets on your weapon.
Batblade.gifYou acquire an effect: Spooky Weapon
(duration: 5 Adventures)



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