Spooky Putty snake
This is a wad of Spooky Putty that's been rolled into a snake. Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?
Probably because they're the easiest thing to make out of clay, and most people are lazy. Not me, though. If I had been in charge of the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve would have been tempted by a lion, only with a unicorn horn, dragon wings, twenty-inch spinning rims, and a bitchin' rear spoiler. Snakes are for suckers.
Type: weapon (1-handed chefstaff) Damage: 1 - 2 Cannot be discardedSpell Damage +50% +20 Damage to Spooky Spells Regenerate 6-8 MP per adventure NOTE: This item cannot be equipped while in Hardcore. (In-game plural: Spooky Putty snakes) | |
Obtained From
- Items (with Spirit of Rigatoni / special sauce glove or as a Sauceror )
- container of Spooky Putty
- Spooky Putty sheet
In Combat
Jiggle your Spooky Putty snake
You jiggle your snakelike staff in front of your opponent. It scares it approximately a quarter of the way to death, dealing X damage.
- You jiggle your snakelike staff in front of your opponent, but it doesn't seem to scare it.
When Squished
Shuddering, you squish the Spooky Putty into a new shape.
- The damage from jiggling is approximately 25% of the enemy's current HP.
- The "Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?" line refers to a quote from the Indiana Jones movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, in which Jones throws a torch in a hole in the floor filled with snakes.
See Also
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