Spooky Putty ball

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Spooky Putty ball
Spooky Putty ball

So you took your egg of Spooky Putty and rolled it into a sphere. I'd make fun of your lack of creativity, but I know you're going to have a blast bouncing this thing off of walls, floors, ceilings, enemies, innocent passers-by, that sort of thing.

I won't warn you not to taunt it, because it's Spooky Putty -- it can issue its own warnings. I'll just pray you survive them.

Type: ranged weapon (1-handed superball)
Damage: 10 - 20
Cannot be discarded

+10 Spooky Damage

NOTE: This item cannot be equipped while in Hardcore.

(In-game plural: Spooky Putty balls)
View metadata
Item number: 3664
Description ID: 527456310
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

container of Spooky Putty
Spooky Putty leotard

When Squished

Shuddering, you squish the Spooky Putty into a new shape.
HPYou lose 5% of your maximum hit points. (spooky damage)
Sputtysheet.gifYou acquire an item: Spooky Putty sheet


You pelt <it> with the Spooky Putty ball, doing X damage and causing <it> to flash back to junior high gym class. WHAM! KAPOW! SPLAT!
You shout, "here, have a ball!" and hurl your Spooky Putty ball at <it>, hitting for X damage. BOINK! POW! BOOF!
You hurl a wicked fastball at <it>, striking <it> wicked fast for X damage. SPLAT! KAPOW! POW!
You stay on the ball and throw your Spooky Putty ball at <it>, hitting for X damage. SMACK! SOCKO! BOINK!


Container of Spooky Putty squeezables
Putty item Type Enchantment
Sputtysheet.gif Spooky Putty sheet Combat Item Copy monsters in combat
Sputtysnake.gif Spooky Putty snake Chefstaff Spell Damage +50%
+20 Damage to Spooky Spells
Regenerate 6-8 MP per adventure
Sputtymitre.gif Spooky Putty mitre Hat +3 Stat(s) Per Fight
Sputtypants.gif Spooky Putty leotard Pants Combat Initiative +15%
+15% Meat from Monsters
Sputtyball.gif Spooky Putty ball One-handed superball +10 Spooky Damage


  • On a critical hit against a monster, if equipped in the mainhand, one of the following ricochets will occur:
The ball ricochets off your familiar (don't worry, it doesn't look hurt), and smashes into <it> again for 10-20 (+10) damage.

The ball ricochets off a tin duck in a nearby shooting gallery, then smashes into <it> again for 10-20 (+10) damage.

The ball ricochets on a nearby set of sing-along lyrics, and you follow it as it smashes into <it> again for 10-20 (+10) damage.

The ball ricochets off of a dunk tank's target (with predictably hilarious results), then smashes into <it> again for 10-20 (+10) damage.

  • 33% of the time, a second ricochet will follow the first:
The ball ricochets off of a pricey-looking horse statue, then smashes into <it> again for 10-20 (+10) damage. See, this is why mom always says, "don't play ball in the house."

The ball ricochets off Old Man Johnson's basement window (uh-oh!), then smashes into <it> again, doing 10-20 (+10) damage.

The ball ricochets off some blond girl's nose, then smashes into <it> again for 10-20 (+10) damage.

The ball rolls up one of your arms and down the other, then smashes into <it> again for 10-20 (+10) damage. Sweet Georgia Brown, that was awesome!

  • There is a 33% chance a third ricochet will follow the second:
The ball ricochets off of the first domino in a long, painstakingly-assembled line, then strikes <it> again for 10-20 (+10) damage.

The ball ricochets off a nearby oven, and the souffle within falls comedically as the ball hits <it> for 10-20 (+10) damage.

The ball ricochets off of a nearby gong, starting a jungle boogie as it smashes into <it> again for 10-20 (+10) damage.

The ball ricochets off of a painstakingly-crafted house of cards, then smashes into <it> again for 10-20 (+10) damage.


  • Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
  • The blonde girl hit in the nose is likely Marcia Brady, famously hit by a football in one episode.
  • "Sweet Georgia Brown" is the theme music of the Harlem Globetrotters, known for fancy ball tricks including contact-juggling arm-rolls.
  • The fact the ball bounces off a set of sing along lyrics references the common practice of sing-alongs having a bouncing ball on top of the lyrics to help the audience keep their place.

See Also


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