Sponge cake

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sponge cake
sponge cake

This is a delicious wodge of sponge cake, soft to the touch and sweet to the taste. It's the most delicious dessert named after a cleaning product ever, if you don't count my patented no-bake bleach-bites.

Just kidding. You can soak your bread in water, and you can soak your bread in wine, but please don't soak your cake in bleach.

Type: food (decent)
Size: 2
Level required: 3
Selling Price: 30 Meat.
Cannot be traded

(In-game plural: slabs of sponge cake)
View metadata
Item number: 4674
Description ID: 965454799
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Infernal Rackets Backstage
Your Bassist Impulses
Chez Snootée (sometimes) (90 Meat)

When Consumed

You eat the sponge cake. It tastes like a comfort eagle flushing sixteen candles down the drain.
AdventuresYou gain 3-5 Adventures.
You gain 5-10 Roguishness.
(You gain 2 Fullness.)


  • This item references the band Cake; "you can soak your bread in water, you can soak your bread in wine" is a line from their song "Waiting".
  • According to Mr. Skullhead, the "wodge" in the item description is an intentional reference to the writing of Terry Pratchett.
  • The consume text refers to the song "Molly (16 Candles Down the Drain)" by the band Sponge, and the song "Comfort Eagle" by the band Cake.


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