Spirit Snap

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Spirit Snap

Spirit Snap

Type: Combat
MP Cost: 10
usable once per fight

This skill allows you to unleash the voyeuristic corporeal fury of whichever Turtle Spirits happen to be watching you at the time.

Does various things depending on your relationship to the Great Turtle Spirits

Source: Guild Trainer
Price: 1,750 Meat
Class: Turtle Tamer
Level: 6
Effect: Deals damage that scales to Muscle. Its effects vary depending on your current blessing.
When Used:
With no blessing:

You harness your chi to summon a set of spectral jaws that bite it for W damage.
You summon a set of jaws out of psychic energy and bite her with them for W damage.
You prove you've got more bite than a can of root beer, biting it with for W damage.
You bare your teeth, then summon a bigger set of supernatural jaws to bite for W damage.
You form a pair of jaws out of psychic energy and bite her with it, dealing W damage. Oh, snap!
You form a set of jaws out of psychic energy and bite it with it, giving it more mandible than is handleable and doing W damage.

With a Blessing of the War Snapper:

The War Snapper's fury howls in your head as you bite your opponent for X damage.
You snap at your opponent with all the might of the War Snapper, chomping her for X damage.
The War Snapper howls its ancient rage into your mind, filling you with bloodlust. You bite your opponent savagely, doing X damage.

With a Blessing of She-Who-Was:

She-Who-Was becomes She-Who-Bites-Your-Foe-Dealing-Y-Damage.
She-Who-Was becomes She-Who-Was-Hungry, after biting your foe for Y damage.
She-Who-Was demonstrates that one of her other names is She-Who-Noms, biting your opponent for Y damage.
She-Who-Was endeavors to put your foe in the past tense, biting her with ghostly jaws for Y damage.
She-Who-Was lives again, in the form of a giant set of jaws that bites your opponent for Y damage.
She-Who-Was manifests in the form of a giant set of ghostly jaws, which bite your foe for Y damage.
The fearsome ghostly jaws of She-Who-Was briefly manifest on this plane, doing Y damage to your shocked foe.
The huge, ghostly jaws of She-Who-Was clamp down on your foe, nomming her for Y damage.

With a Blessing of the Storm Tortoise:

The Storm Tortoise's spectral jaws appear in midair, biting him like a hurricane for Z damage.
The Storm Tortoise's lightning jaws appear and bite your opponent for Z damage. It's electrifying!
A pair of jaws made from thunderhead clouds appear and snap together on your opponent for Z damage.
There's a brief moment of calm before the Storm Tortoise's mighty jaws appear from the ether, closing on your opponent for Z damage.
The Storm Tortoise's laughter echoes in the distance as a pair of jaws made of pure lightning coalesce and bite your opponent for Z damage.
Your ears pop from the pressure as a pair of jaws appears before you, made of clouds and lined with lightning. They bite your opponent for Z damage.
Storm clouds gather above, and your hair stands on end as a pair of jaws made of lightning appear and bite your opponent for Z damage.

With a clap of thunder, the Storm Tortoise's giant jaws appear! Your opponent fails to run and take cover, and gets bitten for Z damage.

In subsequent rounds, after using this skill with a Storm Tortoise blessing:

A deluge of rain pelts your foe, half-drowning it for Z damage.
A freak hailstorm springs up and pummels your opponent for Z damage.
A gale-force wind springs up and knocks your opponent down for Z damage.
The wind picks up a mailbox and hurls it at your opponent, doing Z damage.
A bolt of lightning proves your foe is not well-grounded, shocking him for Z damage.
A bolt of lightning arcs off of a nearby mailbox, striking your opponent for Z damage.
There is a peal of thunder as another bolt of lightning strikes your foe, dealing Z damage.
A gust of wind picks up a nearby car (how'd that get in here?) and rams it into your opponent for Z damage.

A freak gust of wind bowls over your opponent, sending it ass-over-teakettle and doing Z damage. And making you wonder what it was doing with a teakettle.


  • The amount and type of the damage dealt depends on your current blessing:
Blessing Damage
None 10% buffed Muscle
Blessing of the War Snapper 30% buffed Muscle
Grand Blessing of the War Snapper 40% buffed Muscle
Glorious Blessing of the War Snapper 50% buffed Muscle
Blessing of She-Who-Was 25% buffed Muscle Spooky Damage
Grand Blessing of She-Who-Was 30% buffed Muscle Spooky Damage
Glorious Blessing of She-Who-Was 35% buffed Muscle Spooky Damage
Blessing of the Storm Tortoise 15% buffed Muscle in recurring physical damage
Grand Blessing of the Storm Tortoise 20% buffed Muscle in recurring physical damage
Glorious Blessing of the Storm Tortoise 25% buffed Muscle in recurring physical damage
  • The Storm Tortoise effects cause recurring damage in the current and all subsequent rounds. Each instance of damage is equal to the stated percentage of Muscle. This "storm" damage stacks with the recurring damage from Shieldbutt. If the recurring damage kills your opponent, you will not get hit by their normal attacks that round.
  • Having an aerogel akubra equipped removes the once-per-fight limit.
  • Having a wrought-iron winch crank equipped doubles the damage of this skill.

See Also