Spider web

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spider web
spider web

This is the web from a spider. It's sort of sticky, and it smells like spiders. Fancy that.

(Meat Pasting component)
Type: combat item
Selling Price: 3 Meat.

Weakens enemies very slightly

(In-game plural: spider webs)
View metadata
Item number: 27
Description ID: 968009158
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Gourd!
Fnord the Unspeakable (2)
Spider conspirator (2)
Spider-goblin conspirator (1)
Tin spider conspirator (1)
The Sleazy Back Alley
big creepy spider (2)
completely different spider (2)
Dropped after combat by a Gelatinous Cubeling

When Used

You toss the spider web at your opponent, who gets tangled up in it. A little bit.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 1
You toss the spider web at your opponent, who gets tangled up in it. A little bit.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 1
After getting tangled up a little bit, he gets tangled up a lot, and is briefly unable to move.



See Also


Slash.gif Knob Goblin firecracker | razor-sharp can lid | spider web


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