Spelunker's khakis

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Spelunker's khakis
Spelunker's khakis

This dusty, wrinkled pair of khakis has seen a lot of underground action, and it's likely to see a lot more before it finally goes to Khaki Heaven. Khaki Heaven is like regular Heaven, but slightly more boring.

Type: pants
Power: 100
Moxie Required: 35
Outfit: Spelunker's Gear
  (3 items)

Cannot be traded or discarded

Combat Initiative +25%
Regenerate 4-8 HP and MP per adventure
Monsters will be more attracted to you.

(In-game plural: pairs of Spelunker's khakis)
View metadata
Item number: 8076
Description ID: 315558457
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Spelunker's Guild prize sack (first, second, or third time)

See Also


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