Spectre scepter

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spectre scepter
spectre scepter

This is a smoky gray crystal rod, finely engraved with ancient glyphs and images of the four ancient gods of the Hidden City. It hums with magical power, and holding it makes you want to lay the smite down on some infidels.

Type: combat item (reusable)
Cannot be traded or discarded

Invoke the Ancient Gods!

(In-game plural: spectres' scepters)
View metadata
Item number: 2678
Description ID: 864782925
View in-game: view

Obtained From

A Massive Ziggurat
Protector Spectre
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
A Smallish Temple
Protector Spectre

When Used

You hold the spectre scepter aloft. It radiates a bright green light, and vines shoot out of it, entangling your opponent.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 1-3
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 1-3
You hold the spectre scepter aloft. It radiates a bright blue light, and an ethereal mist pours out of it.
HPYou gain 4-5 hit points.
You hold the spectre scepter aloft. It radiates a bright yellow light, and a bolt of lightning arcs towards your opponents. The shockwave throws them to the ground, causing 6-10 damage.
You hold the spectre scepter aloft. It radiates a bright red light, and a gout of flame blasts out of it, roasting your opponent for 8-10 damage.


  • The combat messages are identical to those of the four stone spheres required to obtain the scepter.

See Also


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