Sparking robo-battery

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sparking robo-battery
sparking robo-battery

You're no battery scientist, but you're pretty sure this battery isn't supposed to be constantly emitting a crackling series of visible sparks.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 25 Meat.

Restores 80-100 MP

(In-game plural: sparking robo-batteries)
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Item number: 8771
Description ID: 657116244
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Ruins of the Fully Automated Crimbo Factory
sparking Crimbot

When Used

Ignoring both your own self-preservation instincts and everything your mother ever told you about both batteries and your tongue, you lick the dangerous object.
MPYou gain 80-100 Mana Points.


"8771" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.