Spaghetti Breakfast
From TheKolWiki
Spaghetti Breakfast Type: NoncombatMP Cost: 30 This spell lets you summon a delicious breakfast of spaghetti with marinara sauce. If you think that spaghetti with marinara sauce is an inappropriate breakfast, just you wait.
Source: | The Machine (with Pastamancer and Sauceror in chambers) |
Price: | N/A |
Class: | N/A |
Level: | N/A |
Effect: | Allows you to conjure a spaghetti breakfast once per day. |
When Used: |
You concentrate, and summon a batch of delicious spaghetti noodles. Then you concentrate some more, and conjure up a glob of delicious marinara sauce. Then as you're about to heat them up, a flasher walks by and opens his trench coat in your direction, disrupting your concentration and corrupting the results.
- If you have already used the skill today, you receive this message:
- You can't use that skill.
- "Spaghetti breakfast" is a slang term for tentacle rape, a sub-genre of Japanese hentai.
Dreadsylvanian Class-Crossed Skills - edit | |||||
Accordion Thief | Disco Bandit | Sauceror | Pastamancer | Turtle Tamer | |
Seal Clubber | Song of the North 10 Adv, 100 MP weapon dmg +100%, cold damage +50 |
Grab a Cold One 1/day summoning skill, 30 MP obtain Cold One (???-quality booze) |
Splattersmash combat skill, 25 MP hot melee group damage |
Carbohydrate Cudgel combat skill, 30 MP kill monster with dry noodles |
Club Earth combat skill, 50 MP melee damage + 1 round stun |
Turtle Tamer | Song of Slowness 10 Adv, 100 MP +50% initiative |
Conspiratorial Whispers combat skill, 25 MP damage + delevel every round does not cost combat round |
Sauceshell combat skill, 30 MP, Prevent damage & deal ~80 hot dmg |
Turtleini combat skill, 35 MP Spooky and physical damage, with multiround decay |
Pastamancer | Song of Starch 10 Adv, 100 MP +50% max HP |
Shadow Noodles combat skill, 30 MP, 3-5 round stun + 8-10 delevel |
Spaghetti Breakfast 1/day summoning skill, 30 MP obtain Spaghetti breakfast (???-quality food) |
Sauceror | Song of Sauce 10 Adv, 100 MP +100% spell dmg, +50 hot dmg, +50 dmg to hot spells |
Splashdance combat skill, 30 MP heals ~55 dmg does not cost combat round |
Disco Bandit | Song of Bravado 10 Adv, 100 MP +15% all attributes |