South of The Border is located in the
Desert Beach.
A primary stat of 10 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:
- As you near the lands South of the Border, the bumpy roads and scary police presence start to make you nervous.
You'll have to come back when you're a little less of a wuss.
(It is recommended that you have at least 10 <mainstat> to adventure here.)
Combat Adventures
angry piñata -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: pile of candy
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: 22 • Substat Gain: 5.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 32
- Monster Defense: 19
- Hit Points: 20
- Initiative: 50
- Elemental Alignment: None
Non-combat Adventures
Finger-Lickin'... Death.
- Bet 500 Meat on Tapajunta Del Maiz: Gain or Lose 500 Meat.
- Bet 500 Meat on Cuerno De... the other one: Lose 500 Meat, possibly gain a poultrygeist.
- Walk away in disgust: (Does not use an adventure)
Retired Adventures
- If you get a gum adventure, you still get the gum, even if you don't have enough Meat to pay for it.
- "South of the Border" is a term commonly used in the U.S. to describe Mexico.