Solid baconstone earring

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solid baconstone earring
solid baconstone earring

This is an earring expertly carved from one solid piece of baconstone. It's either a masterpiece of jewelry-making or a ground-breaking triumph in delicatessen science.

Type: accessory
Mysticality Required: 40
Selling Price: 600 Meat.

Mysticality +8
Maximum MP +15
-1 MP to use Skills

NOTE: Items that reduce the MP cost of skills will not do so by more than 3 points, in total.
NOTE: You may not equip more than one of these at a time.

(In-game plural: solid baconstone earrings)
View metadata
Item number: 2780
Description ID: 916123995
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Xpliers.gif baconstone precious piercing post
Equals.gif solid baconstone earring

See Also


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