Soda water
From TheKolWiki
This is a single-serving bottle of soda water. It's like a single serving of water with a single serving of carbon dioxide infused into it. (In-game plural: bottles of soda water) |
Obtained From
- The Barrel full of Barrels
- Stores
- The General Store (70 Meat)
- Familiar
- Dropped after combat by a Gelatinous Cubeling
When Used
You drink the soda water. With no regard for propriety or personal space, the bubbles tickle your nose. | ||
- banana spritzer
- cordial of concentration
- hell in a bucket
- loaf of soda bread
- Mysterious Island iced tea
- papier-mâché glob
- Phil Collins
- tonic water
- whiskey and soda
- wine spritzer
- Adds Mysticality to basic booze when cocktailcrafting.
See Also
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