Sneaky Pete's breath spray

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Sneaky Pete's breath spray
Sneaky Pete's breath spray

This is a can of breath spray once carried by Sneaky Pete, the most Moxious of the Thieves of the Times of Old.

Some of his Moxie must've rubbed off on it.

Type: accessory
Mysticality Required: 25
Selling Price: 50 Meat.

Moxie +10

(In-game plural: cans of Sneaky Pete's breath spray)
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Item number: 290
Description ID: 734226282
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Dungeoneer's Association Vending Machine (1 Fat loot token)

See Also


Slash.gif Boris's key | Boris's ring | Jarlsberg's earring | Jarlsberg's key | Sneaky Pete's breath spray | Sneaky Pete's key

If you don't already possess all three keys to The Dungeoneers' Association's gates, then zapping any item in this group will give you a key you don't have.


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