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This is a literal version of a figuratively named beverage -- it's beer with actual snake venom in it. Delicious snake venom, sure, but snake venom nonetheless.

Type: booze (crappy)
Potency: 1
Level required: 4
Selling Price: 18 Meat.
Effect: Sweet Tooth (30 Adventures)+40% Candy Drops from Monsters

(In-game plural: snakebites)
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Item number: 7106
Description ID: 715124072
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Shaker.gif cream stout anise-flavored venom
Equals.gif snakebite

When Consumed

Sometimes you bite the snake, and sometimes the snake bites you as you drink it.
AdventuresYou gain 1 Adventure.
You lose 1-2 Strongness.
You lose 1-2 Mysteriousness.
You lose 1-2 Smarm.
Juice.gifYou acquire an effect: Sweet Tooth
(duration: 30 Adventures)
You gain 1 Drunkenness.


  • Real-world snakebite is any mixture of cider and lager, or "hard cider" and "beer" if you're American. British readers bemused by this item's use of stout should know that Americans really do do that.


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