Snake-Eyes Glenn

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What does "Glenn closes his eyes and flicks his tongue at you" do?

Snake-Eyes Glenn
Monster ID 1921
Locations Investigating a Plaintive Telegram
Hit Points 1000
Attack  ?
Defense unknown
Initiative always
Meat None
Phylum dude
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts arm, head, leg, torso
Glenn's golden dice
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Snake-Eyes Glenn You're fighting Snake-Eyes Glenn

Seeing this guy looking so smug and rattling his lucky dice at you, you feel an overwhelming compulsion to teach him a lesson. A lesson like "don't drug people and dump them in a snake pit because they might survive and come back to smash your face in".

Hit Message(s):

He shoots you, which makes you feel unlucky. Yeah, look -- a bunch of your luck is leaking right out of you. Eek! Ouch! Argh!

He shoots you with his lucky bullet, which isn't so lucky for you. Kind of the opposite, actually. Ouch! Ooh! Ouch!

He shoots you in the <ankle>. You were kind of hoping he wouldn't do that. Ouch! Oof! Argh!

Critical Hit Message:

He suddenly pulls a snake out from under his hat and throws it at you! While you're struggling with it, he shoots you a bunch of times. (CRITICAL HIT!) Ouch! Ow! Eek!

Miss Message(s):

He's too busy smugging to attack you right now.

He shoots at you, but totally misses. Guess you got lucky!

He shoots you with his lucky bullet, but misses. Wait... was that the lucky one? Now he looks confused.

Fumble Message:

He accidentally rolls his dice off the table, and that doesn't count. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

You drag Snake-Eyes Glenn down the stairs and out of the hotel by one of his boots, and dump him in the Sheriff's office. One of the other gamblers is already there explaining what happened, and the Sheriff dumps Snake-Eyes into one of the holding cells.

"Good work," the Sheriff nods at you. "This fella won't be doing any more gambling for a long time, 'cept maybe betting cigarettes on jailhouse cockroach races."

Golddice.gifYou acquire an item: Glenn's golden dice (100% chance)*

Occurs at The Investigation Thrillingly Concludes! while Investigating a Plaintive Telegram (Big Gambling Tournament).


  • Rolls two dice every round, which describes how he'll react the next round. The first determines how he'll block. The second, what he is vulnerable to:
Dice1.gifA bunch of snake fangs sprout from Glenn's skin. (retaliates if hit with melee)
Dice2.gifGlenn closes his eyes and flicks his tongue at you. (?)
Dice3.gifGlenn starts flailing around wildly like a sidewinder. (blocks combat items)
Dice4.gifGlenn slithers under a nearby rock. (cannot be hit with melee or ranged attacks)
Dice5.gifGlenn blinks a second set of eyelids under his regular eyelids. (skills cannot be used on him)
Dice6.gifGlenn gets excited about the six he rolls and flips out. (extra damage until calmed)
Dice1.gifGlenn's skin turns scaly and red. (hot)
Dice2.gifGlenn's skin turns scaly and blue. (cold)
Dice3.gifGlenn's skin turns scaly and green. (stench)
Dice4.gifGlenn's skin turns scaly and gray. (spooky)
Dice5.gifGlenn's skin turns scaly and purple. (sleaze)
Dice6.gifGlenn's skin turns scaly and white. (physical)
  • Deals damage when hit with a melee weapon with fangs from his skin:
You jab yourself on some of those snake fangs I told you about.
HPYou lose some hit points.
  • Blocks combat items when flailing:
Glenn's flailing around too much for you to be able to use that item on him.
  • Can't be hit with melee or ranged attacks while under a rock:
You can't hit Glenn. He's under a rock.
  • Blocks skills with extra eyelids:
You're too freaked out by Glenn's weird eyelid trick to use that skill.
  • Deals extra damage on the turn that he flips out.
  • Is immune to physical or elemental damage except that indicated by the second die.
  • When the first die is a six, Glenn flips out until one of the Hobopolis calming skills (such as Wassail or Conjure Relaxing Campfire) is used on him.
  • Saucegeyser will not autotune against snake-eyes glenn. It will randomly select between cold or hot damage.