Small pile of sand

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small pile of sand
small pile of sand

This small pile of sand has exactly one hundred grains in it. I guess it's less of a pile than a pinch, but if we start splitting hairs like that, we'll be here all day.

(Meat Pasting component)
Type: usable (also usable in combat)
Selling Price: 50 Meat.

(In-game plural: small piles of sand)
View metadata
Item number: 10260
Description ID: 489624773
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Asterisk.gif 100 grains of sand
Equals.gif small pile of sand

When Used

  • From inventory (single use):
Tossing this in your own eyes seems like a bad idea.
  • Using 10:
Sandpile2.gifYou acquire an item: pile of sand
  • Using 100:
Sandpile3.gifYou acquire an item: large pile of sand
  • Otherwise:
You can't figure out what to do with X small piles of sand.
  • During combat:
You throw the small pile of sand at your opponent, and some grains get in their eyes (or eye-analogues).
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by ?-6-9-?
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by ?-6-9-?


See Also


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