Small hostile animal

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Small hostile animal
Monster ID 2016
Locations Through the Spacegate
Hit Points 75% of Monster Defense
Attack Player's Moxie + 25*(first letter of gate-1) + 10
Defense Player's Muscle + 25*(first letter of gate-1) + 10
Initiative 0
Meat unknown
Phylum beast
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts abdomen, arm, head, leg, tentacle, thorax, wing
alien meat, alien toenails, alien animal goo
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
small hostile animal You're fighting a small hostile animal

You encounter one of the tiny aggressive critters that wander around this planet, biting and scratching one another (and now you.)

Hit Message(s):

It bites you on the <bung> with a mouth you didn't even realize it had.Ouch! Ugh! Ooh! Ouch! Oof! Ugh! Ow! Ow! Ugh!

It scratches you from <foot> to <nipple> with its tiny claws.Ow! Ugh! Eek! Eek! Ouch! Ouch! Ow! Oof! Argh!

Critical Hit Message:

It bites you on the groin with a mouth you didn't even realize it had. (CRITICAL HIT!) Argh! Oof! Eek! Argh! Argh!

Miss Message(s):

It tries to bite you on the <forehead>, but you hide your <shins> behind you back and it loses interest. These things are pretty dumb.

It tries to scratch you, but you're living in a post-scratching world.

Fumble Message:

It tries to bite you on the <knee>, but you hide your <throat> behind you back and it loses interest. These things are pretty dumb. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Alienmeat.gifYou acquire an item: alien meat (60% chance)*
Alientoenails.gifYou acquire an item: alien toenails (100% chance)*
Blankoutglob.gifYou acquire an item: alien animal goo (10% chance)*

Occurs at Through the Spacegate.


  • This monster's Attack is based on the Player's Moxie+10 and Defense is Player's Muscle+10. However, the Spacegate's first letter will also add an additional 25X, where X is the difference between the first letter and A. (Thus a Spacegate starting with B will be Player Stat+35, while a Spacegate starting with Z will be Player Stat+635.)
  • Image is one of the following, depending on planet coordinates:
