slimy fermented bile bladder
This is the gall bladder of some unfortunate creature that got absorbed into the Slime. Since the Slime has no use for bile, the bladder just filled up and sat there until it fermented. It's a thing both wonderful and terrible, nature's tendency, given time, to turn everything into booze. In this particular case it's mostly terrible.
Type: booze (good) Potency: 1 Level required: 6 Selling Price: 200 Meat. (In-game plural: slimy fermented bile bladders) | |
Obtained From
- The Slime Tube
- Slime
- Slime Hand
- Slime Mouth
- Slime Construct
When Consumed
You squeeze the gland and squirt a healthy dose of fermented bile into your mouth. Well, I say "healthy," but what I really mean is "euuuuuuurgh."
You gain 1 Drunkenness.
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