Slimy Sinews
From TheKolWiki
Slimy Sinews Type: PassiveMP Cost: N/A Your connective tissue is especially well-lubricated, causing it to expand and increase your muscle mass.
Maximum HP +X |
Source: | slime-soaked hypophysis |
Price: | N/A |
Class: | N/A |
Level: | N/A |
Effect: | Gives +10% sinew lubrication for each hypophysis, up to 10 uses, for a total of +20 maximum HP |
- This skill may be made Permanent. If a player uses one or more slime-soaked hypophysis and then does not perm this skill upon ascension, the game will remember how many the player had used previously when they use another one. If this skill is made Permanent before ten of the item are used, the player may still use up to ten, and the effects will stack on accordingly, and the skill will not need to be made Permanent again.
- If 10 of these are used and the player does not perm the skill upon ascension, the player may use another hypophysis to acquire the skill in the run they wish to make the skill permanent. This will not boost the skill's power, merely make it accessible so that they may make it Permanent.