Slime-soaked brain

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slime-soaked brain
slime-soaked brain

This is a brain about the size of a walnut. And about the same shape as a walnut. In fact, you're beginning to wonder if the guy sold you a walnut instead of a brain.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 5000 Meat.
Cannot be traded

(In-game plural: slime-soaked brains)
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Item number: 3992
Description ID: 523709792
View in-game: view

Obtained From

The Slime Tube
Mother Slime

When Used

You pop the brain into your mouth and swallow it. You considered chewing it, but you didn't want anybody to think you were a zombie.

You acquire a skill: Slbrain.gif Slimy Synapses

You pop the brain into your mouth and swallow it. You considered chewing it, but you didn't want anybody to think you were a zombie.
  • Else:
You don't think you can handle any more of those.


  • Subsequent uses of this item increases the benefit of the Slimy Synapses skill. See that page for details.


Slash.gif slime-soaked brain | slime-soaked hypophysis | slime-soaked sweat gland


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