Skills Obtained From Items

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Many skills can be obtained by using items. Typically, the item is removed from your inventory after use, and the skill gained can be made permanent at Jermery's Permery. Any exceptions are noted on the table below.

Category Skill Obtained by using Permanency Notes
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Abs of Tin Hodgman's journal 3: Pumping Tin
Former event - Crash Site Alien Source Code alien source code printout Keep used skillbook
Former Mr. Store item - Guzzlr tablet Always Never Not Guzzling Never Don't Stop Not Striving
Former Mr. Store item - Deck of Every Card Ancestral Recall Deck of Every Card Obtained from the Ancestral Recall (L) card
Former Mr. Store item - Boxing Daycare Army of Toddlers My First Art of War
Former Mr. Store item - emotion chip Emotionally Chipped emotion chip Auto. hardcore permanent Keep used skillbook
Elemental Airport - That 70s Volcano Asbestos Heart Lava Miner's Daughter
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Awesome Balls of Fire Kissin' Cousins
PvP Bear Essence Essence of Bear Auto. hardcore permanent seasonal reward, 'bear season'
Elemental Airport - The Glaciest Beardfreeze The Chill of the Wild
Former path reward - Heavy Rains Belch The Rainbow beautiful rainbow The beautiful rainbow could only be obtained while Heavy Rains was still the active challenge path.
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Benetton's Medley of Diversity Benetton's Medley of Diversity
Former Mr. Store item - The Neverending Party Budget Conscious Party Planning on a Budget Auto. hardcore permanent
PvP Calculate the Universe Manual of Numberology Auto. hardcore permanent seasonal reward, 'number season'
Former event - Crimbo 2009 Candyblast A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 3 Keep used skillbook
Me and My Nemesis - Pastamancer Canticle of Carboloading black hymnal Cannot be permed Quest item
Former Mr. Store item - Build-a-City Gingerbread kit Ceci N'Est Pas Un Chapeau No Hats as Art
PvP Chip on your Shoulder How to Hold a Grudge Auto. hardcore permanent
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Chorale of Companionship Chorale of Companionship
Special Chronic Indigestion insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito
Former event - Crimbo 2015 Communism! The Big Book of Communism Keep used skillbook
Former Mr. Store item Comprehensive Cartography Comprehensive Cartographic Compendium Auto. hardcore permanent Keep used skillbook
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Conjure Relaxing Campfire Tales from the Fireside
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Creepy Lullaby Asleep in the Cemetery
Former event - Crimbo 2009 Cringle's Curative Carol A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 6 Keep used skillbook
Former Traveling Trader item Curiosity of Br'er Tarrypin Uncle Romulus
Former Mr. Store item - Deck of Every Card Dark Ritual Deck of Every Card Obtained from the Dark Ritual (B) card
The Mer-Kin Deepcity Deep Dark Visions Mer-kin darkbook
Elemental Airport - Dinseylandfill Dinsey Operations Expert Dinsey Maintenance Manual
Hot Dog Stand Dog Tired sleeping dog Cannot be permed
The Dungeoneers' Association Drescher's Annoying Noise Spellbook: Drescher's Annoying Noise
Former Mr. Store item - The Neverending Party Drinking to Drink Living to Drink, Drinking to Live Auto. hardcore permanent
The Drip Drippy Eye-Beetle The Eye of the Thing in the Basement Auto. hardcore permanent Grants one of three skills at random
The Drip Drippy Eye-Sprout The Eye of the Thing in the Basement Auto. hardcore permanent Grants one of three skills at random
The Drip Drippy Eye-Stone The Eye of the Thing in the Basement Auto. hardcore permanent Grants one of three skills at random
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Eggsplosion Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook
Former world event - Eldritch Incursion Eldritch Intellect Eldritch Intellect: Journey into a Mind of Horror
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Elron's Explosive Etude Elron's Explosive Etude
Former world event - The Bookmobile Eternal Flame Celsius 233 Keep used skillbook
Former world event - The Bookmobile Dead Nostrils The Nose Knows, A Guide to Smells Keep used skillbook
Former world event - Eldritch Incursion Evoke Eldritch Horror Eldritch tincture Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2010 Executive Narcolepsy CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2) Keep used skillbook
PvP Experience Safari A Guide to Safari Auto. hardcore permanent PvP seasonal reward, 'safari season'
Monorail Station - FantasyRealm Expert Corner-Cutter LyleCo Contractor's Manual
Former event - Crimbo 2010 Fashionably Late CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1) Keep used skillbook
Former Mr. Store item - Build-a-City Gingerbread kit Fifteen Minutes of Flame Pop Art: a Guide
Elemental Airport - That 70s Volcano Firegate The Firegate Tapes
Elemental Airport - The Glaciest Frost Bite Cold Fang
Former world event - Brushfires Frigidalmatian Hjodor's Guide to Arctic Dalmatians Keep used skillbook
Elemental Airport - Dinseylandfill Garbage Nova Trash, a Memoir
Former Mr. Store item - Deck of Every Card Giant Growth Deck of Every Card Obtained from the Giant Growth (G) card
Former Mr. Store item - Build-a-City Gingerbread kit Gingerbread Mob Hit My Life of Crime, a Memoir
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Grease Lightning Summer Nights
Elemental Airport - Spring Break Beach Grease Up Now You're Cooking With Grease
Former Mr. Store item - Deck of Every Card Healing Salve Deck of Every Card Obtained from the Healing Salve (W) card
Former event - Crimbo 2009 Holiday Weight Gain A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 1 Keep used skillbook
A Speakeasy Hollow Leg Sloppy Jalopy Cannot be permed
Elemental Airport - Conspiracy Island Hypersane Merc Core Field Manual: Sanity Maintenance
Former path reward - Dark Gyffte One of six blood-related, class-specfic skills Booke of Vampyric Knowledge Booke of Vampyric Knowledge could only be obtained while Kingdom of Exploathing was still the active challenge path.
Former path reward - Kingdom of Exploathing Implode Universe The Imploded World The Imploded World could only be obtained while Kingdom of Exploathing was still the active challenge path.
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Inappropriate Backrub Sensual Massage for Creeps
Former Traveling Trader item Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration
Former Traveling Trader item Iron Palm Technique The Art of Slapfighting
Elemental Airport - Conspiracy Island Intimidating Mien Merc Core Field Manual: Intimidation Techniques
Former event - Crimbo 2009 Jingle Bells A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 2 Keep used skillbook
Former Traveling Trader item Käsesoßesturm Zu Mannkäse Dienen
Former Traveling Trader item Kung Fu Hustler The Autobiography Of Dynamite Superman Jones
Former Mr. Store item - Build-a-City Gingerbread kit Licorice Rope The Gingerbread Vigilante's Handbook
Former Mr. Store item - Deck of Every Card Lightning Bolt Deck of Every Card Obtained from the Lightning Bolt (R) card
Azazel, Ma Belle - default reward Liver of Steel steel margarita Cannot be permed
Former path reward - Low Key Summer Lock Picking Manual of Lock Picking
Former event - Crimbo 2016 Stack Lumps Lump-Stacking for Beginners Auto. hardcore permanent
Former event - Crimbo 2010 Lunch Break CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3) Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2010 Managerial Manipulation CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5) Keep used skillbook
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Marginally Insane Hodgman's journal 4: View From The Big Top
Former event - Crimbo 2014 Mathematical Precision Crimbot ROM: Mathematical Precision Keep used skillbook
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Maximum Chill Maxing, Relaxing
Former Mr. Store item Meteor Lore Pocket Meteor Guide Auto. hardcore permanent Keep used skillbook
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Mudbath Travels with Jerry
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Natural Born Scrabbler Hodgman's journal 1: The Lean Times
Former world event - Valhalla Invasion Natural Born Skeleton Killer Field Guide to Skeletal Anatomy Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2010 Offensive Joke CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4) Keep used skillbook
Elemental Airport - Dinseylandfill Olfactory Burnout Scratch-and-Sniff Guide to Dinseylandfill
The Suburbs of Dis Pinch Ghost Ghost Pinching Quarterly
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Prelude of Precision Prelude of Precision
PvP Pirate Bellow Black Bart's Booty Auto. hardcore permanent PvP seasonal reward, 'pirate season'
Monorail Station - PirateRealm Prevent Scurvy and Sobriety Scurvy and Sobriety Prevention
Elemental Airport - That 70s Volcano Pyromania Psycho From The Heat
PvP Summon Holiday Fun! Holiday Hal's Happy-Time Fun Book! Auto. hardcore permanent seasonal reward, 'holiday season'
Elemental Airport - The Glaciest Perfect Freeze The Fun-Guy Cold Weather Bartender's Guide
Former event - Crimbo 2013 Psychokinetic Hug warbear empathy chip Keep used skillbook
Former Traveling Trader item Rainbow Gravitation Rainbow's Gravity Auto. hardcore permanent
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Raise Backup Dancer Let Me Be!
Former event - Crimbo 2014 Rapid Prototyping Crimbot ROM: Rapid Prototyping Keep used skillbook
Little Canadia Really Expensive Jewelrycrafting Really Expensive Jewelry and You
Elemental Airport - The Glaciest Refusal to Freeze To Build an Igloo
Elemental Airport - Dinseylandfill Rotten Memories Wart Dinsey: An Afterlife
Former event - Crimbo 2014 Ruthless Efficiency Crimbot ROM: Ruthless Efficiency Keep used skillbook
Former Mr. Store item Seek out a Bird Bird-a-Day calendar Lost at Rollover Re-use Bird-a-Day calendar to re-learn skill with different attributes
Former Mr. Store item - X-32-F Combat Training Snowman Shattering Punch training scroll: Shattering Punch
Former Mr. Store item - X-32-F Combat Training Snowman Shivering Monkey Technique training scroll: Shivering Monkey Technique
Former event - Crimbo 2013 Shrap warbear metalworking primer Keep used skillbook
Former world event - Silent Invasion Silent Slam record of infuriating silence Keep used skillbook
Former world event - Silent Invasion Silent Slice record of menacing silence Keep used skillbook
Former world event - Silent Invasion Silent Squirt record of tranquil silence Keep used skillbook
The Dungeoneers' Association Singer's Faithful Ocelot Spellbook: Singer's Faithful Ocelot
Clan Dungeon - The Slime Tube Slimy Shoulders slime-soaked sweat gland Lubrication counter is permanent.
Clan Dungeon - The Slime Tube Slimy Sinews slime-soaked hypophysis Lubrication counter is permanent.
Clan Dungeon - The Slime Tube Slimy Synapses slime-soaked brain Lubrication counter is permanent.
Former Mr. Store item - X-32-F Combat Training Snowman Snokebomb training scroll: Snokebomb
Elemental Airport - Spring Break Beach Sloppy Secrets Sloppy Seconds Diner Employee Handbook
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Snowclone Blizzards I Have Died In
Azazel, Ma Belle - Oxygenarian reward Spleen of Steel steel-scented air freshener Cannot be permed
Former event - Crimbo 2009 Stealth Mistletoe A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 5 Keep used skillbook
Azazel, Ma Belle - T, AoB, ZS reward Stomach of Steel steel lasagna Cannot be permed
Former Traveling Trader item Stringozzi Serpent A Beginner's Guide to Charming Snakes
PvP Summon Annoyance Essence of Annoyance Auto. hardcore permanent Skill can be upgraded in power by using multiple of the item.
Former Clan Dungeon - Haunted Sorority House Summon "Boner Battalion" The Necbronomicon Keep used skillbook
Former Mr. Store item Summon Alice's Army Cards Sorcerers of the Shore Grimoire Auto. hardcore permanent
Former Mr. Store item Summon BRICKOs Libram of BRICKOs Auto. hardcore permanent
Former Mr. Store item Summon Candy Heart Libram of Candy Heart Summoning Auto. hardcore permanent
PvP Summon Carrot Antagonistic Snowman Kit Auto. hardcore permanent seasonal reward, 'ice season'
Former Mr. Store item Summon Clip Art Tome of Clip Art Auto. hardcore permanent
Clan VIP Lounge - Crimbo 2009 Summon Crimbo Candy Crimbo Candy Cookbook
KoL Con Summon Dice Gygaxian Libram Auto. hardcore permanent
Former Mr. Store item Summon Geeky Gifts Thinknerd's Grimoire of Geeky Gifts Auto. hardcore permanent
Former Mr. Store item Summon Hilarious Objects McPhee's Grimoire of Hilarious Object Summoning Auto. hardcore permanent
PvP Summon Kokomo Resort Pass Map to Kokomo Auto. hardcore permanent seasonal reward, 'ice season'
Former Mr. Store item Summon Love Song Libram of Love Songs Auto. hardcore permanent
Former Mr. Store item Summon Party Favor Libram of Divine Favors Auto. hardcore permanent
Former Mr. Store item Summon Resolutions Libram of Resolutions Auto. hardcore permanent
KoL Con Summon Rad Libs Tome of Rad Libs Auto. hardcore permanent
Former Mr. Store item Summon Snowcones Tome of Snowcone Summoning Auto. hardcore permanent
Former Mr. Store item Summon Stickers Scratch 'n' Sniff Sticker Tome Auto. hardcore permanent
Former Mr. Store item Summon Sugar Sheets Tome of Sugar Shummoning Auto. hardcore permanent
Former Mr. Store item Summon Taffy Libram of Pulled Taffy Auto. hardcore permanent
Former Mr. Store item Summon Tasteful Items Sp'n-Zor's Grimoire of "Tasteful" Gifts Auto. hardcore permanent
Former event - Crimbo 2009 Surge of Icing A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 4 Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2016 Sweet Synthesis Rethinking Candy Auto. hardcore permanent
The Suburbs of Dis Tattle The Snitch's Manifesto
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder
Former event - Crimbo 2019 The Spirit of Taking The Spirit of Giving Keep used skillbook
PvP Thick-Skinned How to Tolerate Jerks Auto. hardcore permanent
Clan Dungeon - Hobopolis Thrift and Grift Hodgman's journal 2: Entrepreneurythmics
Monorail Station - PirateRealm Tiki Mixology Island Drinkin', a Tiki Mixology Odyssey Auto. hardcore permanent
The Suburbs of Dis Torment Plant The Thorax's Codex of Tormenting Plants
Former event - Crimbo 2010 Toynado Tales of a Kansas Toymaker Keep used skillbook
The Bounty Hunter Hunter Transcendent Olfaction Manual of Transcendent Olfaction Auto. hardcore permanent
Former Uncle P's Antiques item Unaccompanied Miner Ellsbury's journal Keep used skillbook
Tales of Spelunking Speluck Spelunker of Fortune Keep used skillbook
Elemental Airport - Spring Break Beach Unoffendable History's Most Offensive Jokes, Vol. IX
Former event - Crimbo 2008 Vent Rage Gland throbbing rage gland Auto. hardcore permanent
Former world event - Bigg's Dig Volcanometeor Showeruption unearthed volcanic meteoroid Item is not consumed on use.
The Dungeoneers' Association Walberg's Dim Bulb Spellbook: Walberg's Dim Bulb
Former event - Crimbo 2010 Wassail The Joy of Wassailing Keep used skillbook
Former Mr. Store item - Spacegate access badge 5-D Earning Potential Non-Euclidean Finance
Former Mr. Store item - Spacegate access badge Disintegrate Spacegate emergency disintegrator
Former Mr. Store item - Spacegate access badge Object Quasi-Permanence Peek-a-Boo!
Former Mr. Store item - Spacegate access badge Quantum Movement Space Pirate Astrogation Handbook
The Raffle House 20/20 Vision do-it-yourself laser eye surgery kit Auto. hardcore permanent
The Raffle House Brain Games Electronic Brain Trainer game Auto. hardcore permanent
Former event - Crimbo 2017 Silent Hunter The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 1 Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2017 Quiet Determination The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 2 Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2017 Quiet Judgement The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 3 Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2017 Silent Treatment The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 4 Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2017 Silent Knife The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 5 Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2017 Quiet Desperation The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 6 Keep used skillbook
VIP Lounge - Fortune Teller Get Big How To Get Bigger Without Really Trying Auto. hardcore permanent
VIP Lounge - Fortune Teller Gallapagosian Mating Call Illustrated Mating Rituals of the Gallapagos Auto. hardcore permanent
VIP Lounge - Fortune Teller Inscrutable Gaze Convincing People You Can See The Future Auto. hardcore permanent
VIP Lounge - Fortune Teller Love Mixology Love Potions and the Wizards who Mix Them Auto. hardcore permanent
VIP Lounge - Fortune Teller Acquire Rhinestones They'll Love You In Rhinestones Auto. hardcore permanent
VIP Lounge - Fortune Teller Paul's Passionate Pop Song Silly Little Love Song Auto. hardcore permanent
Former event - Crimbo 2018 Carol of the Bulls Carol of the Bulls Auto. hardcore permanent
Former event - Crimbo 2018 Carol of the Hells Carol of the Hells Auto. hardcore permanent
Former event - Crimbo 2018 Carol of the Thrills Carol of the Thrills Auto. hardcore permanent
Former event - Crimbo 2020 Long Winter's Nap The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 1 Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2020 Bowl Full of Jelly The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 2 Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2020 Ashes and Soot The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 3 Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2020 Eye and a Twist The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 4 Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2020 Dimples, How Merry! The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 5 Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2020 Chubby and Plump The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 6 Keep used skillbook
Former event - Crimbo 2021 Ancient Crymbo Lore The Crymbich Manuscript Keep used skillbook

See Also