ski resort souvenir crate
The Shore, Inc. doesn't allow you to buy souvenirs while you're on their trips. Rest assured that the purpose of this policy is to provide better service to you, not to increase the profits of The Shore, Inc. This crate contains a variety of souvenirs from the Large Donkey Ski Resort.
Type: usable Cannot be discarded (In-game plural: ski resort souvenir crates) | |
Obtained From
- Stores
- The Shore, Inc. Gift Shop (1 Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip)
When Used
You open the create[sic] and revel in the memories of your vacation as you pick through the collection of ski resort souvenirs. eXtreme!
- You will receive 6-7 total non-shirt items, with at least one of each item guaranteed.
"6728" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.