Singin' the Same Old Song

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Singin' the Same Old Song

You report for your first day of cowpunching (or poking, you're not sure which) and meet the guy who will be your instructor for the day. He's a crusty, dusty, musty old cowboy with a leathered face and wrinkles you could hide a gerbil in. He eyes you with contempt.

"Dang city slickers," he mutters. "Look at the clothes you're wearing. You can't be a proper fake cowboy unless you have the right clothes." He rummages through his saddlebags, then the saddlebags on his horse, and throws a shirt at you. You check it out and try it on. It's very, very shiny.

Unfortunately he makes you give it back at the end of the day, goshdarnit.

AdventuresYou lose 3 Adventures.
Meat.gifYou spent 500 Meat.
You gain X Beefiness.
Shorescrip.gifYou acquire an item: Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip
  • Prior to August 30, 2013:

You report for your first day of cowpunching (or poking, you're not sure which) and meet the guy who will be your instructor for the day. He's a crusty, dusty, musty old cowboy with a leathered face and wrinkles you could hide a gerbil in. He eyes you with contempt.

"Dang city slickers," he mutters. "Look at the clothes you're wearing. You can't be a proper fake cowboy unless you have the right clothes." He rummages through his saddlebags, then the saddlebags on his horse, and throws a shirt at you. You check it out and try it on. It's very, very shiny.

Cowshirt.gifYou acquire an item: rhinestone cowboy shirt

Occurs at Distant Lands Dude Ranch Adventure.



  • The adventure's title is from the opening lines of Glen Campbell's song Rhinestone Cowboy: "I've been walking these streets so long / Singin' the same old song."
  • The "crusty, dusty, musty old cowboy" with his contempt for "city slickers" is a reference to Jack Palance's character Curly in the comedy western City Slickers.
  • Saying that the shirt is "very, very shiny" may be an oblique reference to Firefly, a western-style science-fiction television show in which the word "shiny" means, effectively, "cool."