Shuriken salad

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shuriken salad
shuriken salad

I'll bet when you're eating a salad, you're thinking "I am pretty much definitely not about to get attacked with a whole buttload of shurikens."


Type: combat item
Selling Price: 37 Meat.

Deals 25-35 Physical Damage, 25-35 Cold Damage and 25-35 Stench Damage

(In-game plural: shuriken salads)
View metadata
Item number: 7196
Description ID: 465261096
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Copperhead Club
waiter dressed as a ninja
Behind the 'Stache (Head to the back and steal some stuff) (0-4)

When Used

You hurl the entire bowl of crisp, cool greens, stinky cheese crumbles and razor-sharp throwing stars in your opponent's face, dealing 25-35 (+25-35) (+25-35) damage. Hilarious!


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