Shooting morning star

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shooting morning star
shooting morning star

When you swing this morning star, the little meteoroid on the end of it gets to briefly relive its glory days. Whoosh!

Type: weapon (1-handed flail)
Damage: 10 - 20
Outfit: Meteor Masquerade
  (5 items)

Cannot be traded or discarded

Muscle +15%
+15 Hot Damage
Successful hit weakens opponent.

NOTE: You may not equip more than one of these at a time.

(In-game plural: shooting morning stars)
View metadata
Item number: 9522
Description ID: 887651527
View in-game: view

Obtained From

metal meteoroid ("shape it")


  • on successful hit
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 10-15
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 10-15

See Also


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