From TheKolWiki
Shirts are equipment that can be worn on your torso. However, you need to have the Torso Awareness skill (or just be Sneaky Pete, or a Robot with a Topology Grid) before you even realize what a torso is, that you may have one, and where you might be able to find yours. Below is a listing of all of the shirts currently available, and their respective power.
- If your Muscle is too low for a shirt, the message "You're not sexy enough for this shirt" appears.
- The message about not having enough Muscle is a reference to the song "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred.
Equipment Lists |
Hats | Shirts | Back Items | Off-hand Items | Pants | Accessories | Familiar Equipment Weapons (Melee | Mysticality | Ranged | One-Handed | Two-handed / Three-handed) |