She's So Unusual (Herbs or Medicines)

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She's So Unusual
She's So Unusual

As you push deeper into the violet fog, it starts to swirl and brighten, becoming more rainbow-hued and chaotic. Strange half-recognizable shapes appear in your peripheral vision, vanishing when you turn to look. The landscape sprouts trees that twist through impossible geometries, bearing antique telephones and a variety of squid as fruit.

You're looking around in bewilderment when a young girl with mismatched eyes and a long multicolored mohawk wanders up, with a large dog trailing behind her. She's holding a string tied to a fish, which floats beside her like a piscene balloon. She smiles at you and waves. "hEllO!"

"Uh... hi."

"yOu LooK loSt. WouLd you liKe a fiShY? hiS nAme is barNaBas."

"No," says the dog, "I'm Barnabas. You named the fish 'Byron von Messerschmidt'. And yesterday its name was 'Golfcart'."

"yEs! thaT is WhAt i meaNt."

As the girl begins to dance dreamily around the squid-and-telephone trees, Barnabas looks up at you. "Feel free to accept the fish, if you like -- you won't have to worry about feeding it, since it'll change into something else when you leave." He idly scratches his ear with a hind leg. "Something related to herbs or medicines, if my nose is accurate."

Accept the fish (1)

You take the string, and wave goodbye as the girl dances away happily, with the dog following. As you watch, the fish inexplicably morphs into a small paper packet. How very odd.

Powderbag.gifYou acquire an item: homeopathic healing powder

This way

That way

The other way

Occurs in the Violet Fog.


  • She's So Unusual is the name of the debut album of Cyndi Lauper. The image used for his adventure is also named "cyndi.gif".
  • This adventure also refers to Neil Gaiman's series The Sandman. Delirium is Dream's incoherent sister, who acquires a talking dog named Barnabas toward the end of the series. She also appears with mismatched eyes and multicolored hair. She carried a floating fish on a string at one time. While her speech in the comic was lettered in all-caps, the size of the letters fluctuated, as did the colors of the speech bubbles, and this is sometimes represented in text with odd capitalization.