Shaker of dry rub

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shaker of dry rub
shaker of dry rub

Few things are as unpleasantly suggestive as the phrase "dry rub," but few things are as pleasantly piquant as this carefully-selected blend of herbs and spices.

Selling Price: 20 Meat.

(In-game plural: shakers of dry rub)
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Item number: 7553
Description ID: 397823341
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Dropped after combat by a Galloping Grill (sometimes)


  • When eating food, this item gives 12-16 additional substats of each kind at the cost of the shaker of dry rub, giving the message:
    You give the <food> a nice dry rubbing before going to work on it...


  • At an unknown point in time before February 2, 2015, this item's autosell was 35 Meat.


"7553" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.