Seaside Megalopolis Noncombats

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This is a quick reference to the tree of Seaside Megalopolis noncombat adventure choices.

Start Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Result
Savior Faire
The Savorier Savior
Go Uptown Chat With the Clown Hobnob with the Hoity-Toity Moxie stats
Robnob from the Hoity-Toity Snowflakes.gif
Serenity (20 turns)

Moxie +15%

Chat With the Joker Hunt the Unicorn All stats
Hunt the Teddy Bear Stench.gif
Phairly Pheromonal (20 turns)

+4 to Familiar Weight

Stay Downtown The Flesh Take a Seat All stats
Head to the Back Dance1.gif
Dance Interpreter (20 turns)

+20% Item Drops from Monsters

The Metal Switch the Circuits Muscle stats
Keep Your Seat Strboost.gif
Nano-juiced (20 turns)

Muscle +15%

Get Outta Town Vote for the Smuggler Play with the Furball Mysticality stats
Talk to the Geezer Saucestream.gif
In the Saucestream (20 turns)

Mysticality +15%

Vote for the Alien Hit the Holodeck All stats
Practice Diplomacy Meat.gif
Meatwise (20 turns)

+35% Meat from Monsters


  • The second choice does not consume an adventure.
  • After each choice, a counter is set that determines how many turns later the next choice appears.
  • Adventuring anywhere, not just in the Megalopolis, will increment this counter.