Seared dino steak

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seared dino steak
seared dino steak

Hoo-boy. I sure hope you cooked that zombie dinosaur steak real thoroughly. Try to eat a steak like this rare, and soon the steak, the monster you cut it off of, and you will all share something in common.

Type: food (good)
Size: 2
Level required: 3
Selling Price: 36 Meat.

(In-game plural: seared dino steaks)
View metadata
Item number: 7813
Description ID: 112386694
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Ezcook.gif impure gasoline Z-Bone steak
Equals.gif seared dino steak

When Consumed

Jarl steak.gif
You eat the seared zombie dinosaur steak. Let's hope it doesn't come alive again inside you, and attack your pancreas.
AdventuresYou gain 4-5 Adventures.
You gain 30-60 Muscleboundness.
(You gain 2 Fullness.)


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