Sea produce

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Fruits and vegetables from The Sea, and what they're for. For what they're? Their uses.

Item Comes from Using Makes Which does
sea avocado garden Batter2.gif tempura avocado food, high moxie and adv
Sushimat.gif snake/serpent rolls food, gives fishy and moxie
sea blueberry foodbucket Potion10.gif perception potion, +50% items
sea broccoli foodbucket Batter2.gif tempura broccoli food, 20 turns +10 fam weight
sea cauliflower foodbucket Batter2.gif tempura cauliflower food, 20 turns +100% meat
sea carrot garden Batter2.gif tempura carrot food, high myst and adv
Sushimat.gif rabbit rolls food, gives fishy and myst
sea cucumber garden Batter2.gif tempura cucumber food, high musc and adv
Sushimat.gif dragon rolls food, gives fishy and muscle
sea honeydew garden Bottle.gif melon-infused sake booze, high myst and adv, Warm Belly
Potion10.gif perspicacity potion, +300% myst
Slug.gif dew yoana lei booze, high myst, medium adv, Brined Liver
sea lychee garden Bottle.gif berry-infused sake booze, high mox and adv, Warm Belly
Potion10.gif pulchritude potion, +300% moxie
Slug.gif lychee chuhai booze, high mox, medium adv, Brined Liver
sea persimmon foodbucket Potion10.gif proficiency potion, +8 stats/fight
sea radish octopus Batter2.gif tempura radish food, high all 3 stats and adv
Sushimat.gif miscellaneous rolls food, gives fishy and all stats
sea tangelo garden Bottle.gif citrus-infused sake booze, high musc and adv, Warm Belly
Potion10.gif puissance potion, +300% musc
Slug.gif screwdiver booze, high musc, medium adv, Brined Liver