Sea grease

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sea grease
sea grease

This is a tub of grease extracted from various underwater plants and/or animals. You can rub it on your familiar to protect them from the harsh undersea environment.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 200 Meat.
Effect: Greased-Up Familiar (40 Adventures)+5 to Familiar Weight (underwater only)

(In-game plural: tubs of sea grease)
View metadata
Item number: 3611
Description ID: 285153209
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Big Brother (5 sand dollars)
groupie bra (0-1)
mermaid's purse (0-1)
Beach Comb / driftwood beach comb
Comb the Beach

When Used

You rub the grease all over <familiar's name>.
Balm.gifYou acquire an effect: Greased-Up Familiar
(duration: 40 Adventures)


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