Scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker

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scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker
scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker

This is a sticker of a dragon on a scintillating, prismatic silver background. It'd look really awesome on the hood of a model of a Camaro. On the back of which was a bumper sticker reading "My other car is a model of a windowless gray van."

When you scratch it, it smells like the air after a fireworks display.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 30 Meat.

+3 Spooky Damage
+3 Stench Damage
+3 Hot Damage
+3 Cold Damage
+3 Sleaze Damage

(In-game plural: scratch 'n' sniff dragon stickers)
View metadata
Item number: 3513
Description ID: 116270748
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Summon Stickers

When Used

Without a scratch 'n' sniff sword or scratch 'n' sniff crossbow in inventory:

You look around for something to put the sticker on, but you can't find anything. You dig a piece of paper out of a nearby trash can and fold it into an impromptu sword.
Papersword.gifYou acquire an item: scratch 'n' sniff sword
You apply the shiny sticker.

With a scratch 'n' sniff sword or scratch 'n' sniff crossbow in inventory:

You apply the shiny sticker.

See Also


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Summoned Stickers
sword | crossbow | Bedazzle!
Sticker Effects
unicorn +25% Items from Monsters
apple +2 Stat(s) Per Fight
UPC +25% Meat from Monsters
wrestler All Attributes +10%
dragon +3 Prismatic Damage
rock band Weapon Damage +20
Spell Damage +20